When it comes to creating, are you driven by fear or inspiration? For many people, it’s a combination of both. We often create out of fear of not being good enough, not being popular enough, or not making enough money. But what if we shifted our focus and started creating from a place of inspiration instead? What would change for us then? In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between creating out of fear and creating out of inspiration, and we’ll discuss how to make the shift from one to the other.
In today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the fear of not being good enough. We constantly compare ourselves to others, and it can be tough to break out of that mentality. So often, we create out of fear instead of inspiration. But what if we changed that? What if we allowed ourselves to be inspired by our own unique talents and passions? What would happen then? I’m not sure, but I’d love to find out. So let’s explore this idea together and see what happens when we start creating from a place of inspiration instead of fear.
1. What is the difference between creating out of inspiration and fear?
Creating out of inspiration means that you are following your heart and intuition in what you create. It’s about being authentic to yourself and expressing what is true for you. It’s about having the courage to be vulnerable and share your unique voice with the world.
Creating out of fear, on the other hand, is driven by a need to please others or to conform to what’s popular. It’s driven by a need for approval or validation from others. And it often results in creative work that feels inauthentic or forced.

So which one are you creating from? Inspiration or fear?
Here are some questions to help you reflect on this:
- What are your creative intentions?
- What are you trying to communicate through your work?
- What is the driving force behind your creativity?
- Are you being true to yourself in your work?
- Are you expressing what is authentically yours to express?
Take some time to reflect on these questions and see what comes up for you. And remember, there’s no right or wrong answer – this is about getting in touch with what’s true for you. Trust yourself and follow your heart. It will never lead you astray.
Creating from a place of inspiration will always result in better work because it’s coming from a place of truth. So ask yourself: what is your truth? What do you want to share with the world? And then go out and create it. The world needs your unique voice. We need your creativity, passion, and authenticity. Don’t be afraid to share it. Trust yourself and go for it!
2. How to tell which one you are doing
The best way to tell if you are creating out of inspiration or fear is to check in with yourself and see how you feel. If you feel excited, inspired, and motivated, then you are probably creating from a place of inspiration. However, if you feel anxious, stressed, or like you have to force yourself to create, then it’s likely that you are doing so out of fear.
Creating from a place of fear can be destructive both for your creative work and for yourself as a creator. When we create out of fear, we tend to put our own happiness and well-being on the line in order to try to please others or meet their expectations. This can lead to us feeling burnt out, resentful, and ultimately, creatively blocked.
On the other hand, creating from a place of inspiration is not only more enjoyable but also tends to be more effective. When we are inspired to create something, we are more likely to put our heart and soul into it, which usually results in a better final product. Furthermore, when we create from inspiration, we are more likely to stay true to ourselves and our own vision, instead of succumbing to outside pressure.
So next time you sit down to create something, ask yourself: am I doing this out of fear or inspiration? And if it’s the former, see if you can find a way to shift into the latter. Trust me, your creative work (and your sanity) will thank you for it.

3. The benefits of creating out of inspiration
When you create from a place of inspiration, you are tapping into a powerful source of energy. This can help you to feel more creative, connected, and alive. It can also lead to greater clarity about what you want to achieve with your work. When you are inspired, your work is likely to be more focused and have more impact. Creating from inspiration can also be contagious – it can inspire others around you to do the same.
On the other hand, creating out of fear often leads to work that is unfocused, scattered, and full of self-doubt. It can be difficult to stay motivated when you are coming from a place of fear, and your work is likely to suffer as a result. Fear-based creations can also be damaging to your mental and emotional health, as they can reinforce negative thoughts and feelings. If you find yourself in a creative rut, it may be worth exploring whether fear is playing a role.
4. The dangers of creating out of fear
When we create out of fear, we are usually coming from a place of scarcity. We feel like we have to hustle and grind and force things to happen because we’re afraid that if we don’t, nothing will. This kind of thinking can lead us down a dark path where we’re always chasing after the next thing instead of enjoying the present moment.
Creating from a place of fear can also make us feel like we’re not good enough or that our work is never good enough. We become perfectionists who are never satisfied with anything because we’re afraid that if it’s not perfect, people won’t like it. This kind of thinking is not only incredibly stressful, but it’s also incredibly unhealthy.

5. How to shift from fear-based creation to inspiration-based creation
Fear-based creation is when you rely on your fear to motivate you to create. This type of motivation often results in uninspired, and sometimes even mediocre work. Inspiration-based creation, on the other hand, comes from a place of inspiration and often leads to your best work. If you want to start producing your best work, it’s important to shift from fear-based creation to inspiration-based creation. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:
- 1) Get rid of your inner critic – Your inner critic can be one of the biggest roadblocks to inspiration-based creation. When you allow yourself to be ruled by your inner critic, you’ll find it difficult to move forward with your work. Instead of listening to your inner critic, learn to silence it. This will allow you to tap into your creativity and produce your best work.
- -If you want to start producing your best work, it’s important to shift from fear-based creation to inspiration-based creation.
- 2) Pay attention to your emotions – Your emotions can be a great indicator of whether you’re operating from a place of fear or inspiration. If you’re feeling scared, anxious, or doubtful, it’s likely that you’re creating from a place of fear. On the other hand, if you’re feeling excited, passionate, and inspired, chances are you’re tapped into your creativity and producing your best work.
- 3) Get clear on what you want – When you’re clear about what you want, it’s easier to create from a place of inspiration. When you have a goal or vision that inspires you, it will be much easier to tap into that creative energy and produce your best work.
- 4) Take action from a place of love – When you take action from a place of love, it’s much easier to stay inspired and motivated. Love is a powerful force that can help you overcome any obstacle, including your fear. When you take action from a place of love, you’ll find it much easier to produce your best work.
These are just a few tips to help you shift from fear-based creation to inspiration-based creation. By making this shift, you’ll be able to tap into your creativity and produce your best work. So what are you waiting for? Start creating from a place of inspiration today!